Friday, April 16, 2010

Solitary Confinement

I think that solitary confinement is a little too loose when it comes to its prisoners. If i were to make a law about it i would make it a little more strict. The criteria that is there now for example are: Do they have an outside area? Are their medical records being kept? Do they have adequate medical care? What was the reason for placing them in the unit, and where they aware? These are too vague because the people at the prisons can lie no matter what and people are going to believe them. If i were to make a law, it would be something like: are they able to be outside in a large enough space (maybe give certain dimensions)? Is some one checking up on them every__ days and keeping them on record to where they can prove it with specific dates? What is the specific reason for putting them there and are they fully aware of it and agree to it. I think that by these more specific laws, it would be easier and stricter.
When it comes to the reason why they should be put there, I think it depends on the situation that takes place, not something made up. If a prisoner intentionally attacks a guard or someone working in the prison then yes they should go into solitary confinement. If it was something stupid like the guard didn't like how the prisoner looked or acted for some reason and put them there then they should be able to do that. it all depends on the situation at hand because sometimes it is legit while others it is not.
I think that solitary confinement is a punishment to your outburst. I don't think that they should be able to try it in court because they are most likely to be found guilty and go anyways. If it is something small where they didn't do anything and can back it up then maybe on certain circumstances, but most of the time no. They act out for a reason and have to deal with the consequences.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Andrea Yates Case

I honestly think that Andrea Yates should have at least gotten some type of punishment other than going to a mental hospital because when she plead insanity the jury believed it. To actually be found as insane and plead insanity in court you have to be mentally sick and not know what you are doing at the time of the crime. Andrea knew exactly what she was doing when she killed her 5 children. She planed it for about 2 years and then committed the crime when no one was around. She said she was doing it to save her children but really she was only hurting them. Also the fact that she forced the oldest and chased him around the house so that she could kill him is intently murdering someone. Yes she is insane for killing her children, and making it seem like she was calm after the fact by placing them in her bed in a row. To me that is just sick and she needs to be punished more for her actions. She was let off with going to a mental facility and then put into one that is open campus. She should be locked away in that mental facility where she wont be able to hurt anyone else and also watched.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Genetics, Poverty, Media

I think that all three of these are factors of crime and violence. Not one can do it on it's own. They all work together to destroy society as a whole. I believe that if the media was controlled than the crime rate will drop...not drastically but enough. I also think poverty is a problem in today's society. Yes genetics is a part of it but not all of it. Most of it comes from what kids and teenagers see and grow up knowing not whats passed down in their body. If their parents were better role models maybe it would teach their kids to be better people. The only problem in trying to change all of this is that no one wants to put forth the effort. People in poverty stay in poverty because that is what is "expected" of them because of a stereotype put on them at some point. It is hard to just stop someone from being what their family is as shown in genetics. Also we personally can't control the media the way we want to so its more complicated than it seems. I think that the people who handle all of this should look further into it and try to make some changes because if they don't try to help these criminals than no one will.