Thursday, March 4, 2010

Andrea Yates Case

I honestly think that Andrea Yates should have at least gotten some type of punishment other than going to a mental hospital because when she plead insanity the jury believed it. To actually be found as insane and plead insanity in court you have to be mentally sick and not know what you are doing at the time of the crime. Andrea knew exactly what she was doing when she killed her 5 children. She planed it for about 2 years and then committed the crime when no one was around. She said she was doing it to save her children but really she was only hurting them. Also the fact that she forced the oldest and chased him around the house so that she could kill him is intently murdering someone. Yes she is insane for killing her children, and making it seem like she was calm after the fact by placing them in her bed in a row. To me that is just sick and she needs to be punished more for her actions. She was let off with going to a mental facility and then put into one that is open campus. She should be locked away in that mental facility where she wont be able to hurt anyone else and also watched.